Tracking status: (Report) Bugs or issues

πŸ‘ Gathering votes

Dear Wonderheroes,

Below you find my suggestions 😁

It would be awesome if there is a way to see the status on the website. To see how far and which issues or bugs are known by the team.

Also a system that keep track of the bug that a player has submitted through a form. For example showing it in the dashboard from a player. So players can see if the ticket has been handled through a team member of WonderHero. At this moment wonderheroes are waiting for a few days or even more then 1 week to hear something about the submitted bug form or still not even get a response.

The wonderheroes wants to know it! We want to be also be formally update! Then the wonderheroes knows the team is working hard to reduce issues or bugs and solving them!

Please WonderHero team let us being a part of The beautiful WonderHero community❀️ πŸ˜‡ and build it together!πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ‘­πŸ‘¬πŸ‘«πŸΌ

2 years ago

3 votes