Burning of NFT

🔒 Closed

Burning of Nft

A section next to the marketplace with the option to burn an NFT in exchange for the game's native Token. In exchange for one of the two tokens worth at least $ 2.50.

Enable the ability to purchase nft with the game's two native tokens.

Giving more use to tokens and at the same time burning useless ntf that are flooding the server. What discourages investors. Thus creating a possibility of quick profit for the players and movement but the market valuing the nft.

2 years ago

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Our NFT Burn events are now available. please refer to this: https://wonderhero.productlift.dev/p/combine-3-nfts-for-a-chance-of-getting-a-better-one-lFnhL1

Thank you!

0    2 years ago

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WonderHero changed status to 🔒 Closed

2 years ago

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